

CrossFit Montgomery – CF L2 & L3


– 400m Run

Couch Stretch

– 1:00 each leg

Piriformis Stretch

– 1:00 each leg

PVC Pipe Warmup

– 10 Pass Through

– 10 Twists

– 10 Good Mornings

– 10 Pole Stretches

– 10 Overhead Squats


Strict Muscle Up

– False Grip Hang

– False Grip Pull Rings to Ribs

– False Grip Pull Rings to Ribs and Transition Over Rings

Note: Maintain false grip.

Scale: To scale create a sling with a band between the rings and sit in the band. You may do negatives. Starting at the top lower yourself down and transition to a hang from the rings.


Nasty Girls (Time)

3 Rounds for time of:
50 Air Squats
7 Muscle-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans, 135# / 95#